Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Chrome for Linux and Mac

The wait is finally over. Here are the links to download the first "official" beta releases of Google Chrome Browser for Mac and Chrome for Linux.
Google Chrome for Mac requires Mac OS X while the Linux version of Chrome supports Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora and openSUSE Linux.

Here are a few fun facts from the Google Chrome for Mac team (via email):
  • 29 developer builds
  • 73,804 lines of Mac-specific code written
  • 64 Mac Minis doing continuous builds and tests
  • 12 external committers and bug editors to the Google Chrome for Mac code base, 48 external code contributors
  • 1,177 Mac-specific bugs fixed
And here are some from the Google Chrome for Linux team:
  • 2,713 Linux-specific bugs fixed
  • 23 developer builds
  • 60,000 lines of Linux-specific code written
  • 12 external committers and bug editors to the Google Chrome for Linux code base, 48 external code contributors


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