Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Why Does Google Allow Ads for AdSense Ready Websites?

Search for something like "work from home", "Internet jobs" or "make money online" on Google and you’ll see a flood of ads promising easy money through the AdSense program.
If you have ever tried AdSense on a site, you probably know how tough it is to make that first dollar but these ads, which are surprisingly served on the Google network itself, make things look so simple. Just order an "AdSense kit" for a few dollars and the money will start rolling in.
So how do these "get rich quick" schemes work? I called the owner of – they advertise pretty heavily on Google and here’s what he told me about their program.
The whole package costs around Rs 1,100 and in return, they’ll provide you a readymade website with some 110 pages of content. You then put your AdSense Publisher ID in these pages and wait for others to click on your ads.
When I asked him if people can click their own ads, his advice was to "avoid it" or use another computer. He also shared a couple of websites – and – that seem to use the "Cash Sense" program.
As an active web user, you probably won’t believe any of the "promises" made by these schemes but there are real people (and lots of them) who actually fall prey to them.
And GoogleCashSense aren’t just the only player in town – there’s,,, and numerous other sites here that use Google’s own AdWords network to trick people into buying their "Made for AdSense" kits. All have similar websites with fake testimonials and photographs of AdSense checks.
Google policies do not allow ads related to promotion of "miracle cures" then why allow ads that promise "miracle cash". True, you can’t prevent people from running such sites but you can at least block them from using your own ad network to promote their sites.


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